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For the Month of May 1867.

Kind of School, (day or night) Day School at present 
Location of School, State Maryland County St Maryland City ... Street St. Joseph's Forest 
When opened, February 25th
Societies, &c., Patrons, Friends' Association, of New York. city.
Is the School sustained by freedmen? No
Is the School sustained in part by freedmen? No
Have you received Government transportations during the month? No
Is the School-building owned by freemen? No
Is the School-building supplied by Bureau? No
Whole number of teachers, 2. 
White 2. 
Colored none
Whole number of pupils enrolled at end of month, 123 
Male 55 
Female 68
Number of pupils enrolled last report, Reference to last Report will answer other two questions, as no copy has been Rept.
Number left School this month,
Number of new scholars this month, 24
Average attendance, 45      
Per cent. About 36th per ct.
Number of pupils paying tuition, Not any
Number of white pupils, None
Number always present, No definitive number, attendance irregular
Number always punctual, About 24
Number over 16 years of age, 26
Number in alphabet, 14
Number who spell and read easy lessons, 80 read and spell
Number of advanced readers, 24
Number in geography, 12
Number in arithmetic, 90 in mental, 26 in written
Number in higher branches, 5 in grammar 
Number in writing, All write on a slate.
Number in needlework, It is not pursued for want of materials 
Number free before the war, About one fourth.
In what Sabbath School do you teach? In St Joseph's School-house 
Number of pupils in Sabbath School, I cannot tell. (numbers invaded by order of the priest 

1. What is the grade of your School? Intermediate and Primary 
2. Whole amount of tuition paid by freedmen during the month. $Nothing.
3. Whole cost of transportation by the Bureau during the month. $Nothing.
4. Expenses per month for the support of your School. $Cannot tell. 
5. Remarks. The greatest obstacle in hindering the progress of the school is want of regularity in attendance. Many are kept at home to hire out in order to eke out the scanty means of subsistences and to provide themselves with clothing. This makes small averages -
(SIGNED) Sarah B. Howell 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-17 09:14:53