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For the month of June 1867

Kind of School (day or night),  Day School with [[?]] Senior [[?]]
Location of School, [[Strikethrough]]State[[/Strikethrough]] Dis. Col. [[Strikethrough]]County [[/Strikethrough]] City   Street 7
When opened, [[?]] 1
Societies, &c., Patrons, Freedmen's Bureau & Am. Miss Ass.
Is the School sustained by freedmen? No.
Is the School sustained in part by freedmen?No.
Have you received Government transportation during the month? No.
Is the School-building owned by freedmen? No.
Is the School-building supplied by Bureau? Yes.
Whole number of teachers, one White 1 Colored 0
Whole number of pupils enrolled at the end of month, 33 Male 21 Female 12
Number of pupils enrolled last report, 31 36
Number left School this month,  3
Number of new scholars this month,  5
Average attendance,  25
Number of pupils paying tuition, 0
Number of white pupils, 6
Number always present, 23
Number always punctual, 6
Number over 16 years of age, 24
Number in alphabet, 0
Number who spell and read easy lessons, 0
Number of advanced readers, 15
Number in geography, 16
Number in arithmetic, 21 
Number in higher branches, 5
Number in writing, 16
number in needlework, 0
Number free before the war, 15
In what Sabbath School do you teach? New York Bran Am [[?]]
Number of pupils in Sabbath School, 210

1. What is the grade of the school?  Normal & Primary
2. Whole amount of tuition paid by freedmen during month. $0
3. Whole cost of transportation by the Bureau during the month. $ 0
4. Express per month for the support of your school. $ 150
5. Remarks. The school is not of a sufficiently high order to [[?]] [?]] name-

(SIGNED) E.F. Williams

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