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Teacher's Monthly School Report.
For the Month of Oct 1867

Kind of School (day or night), . . . . A day school. 
Location of School,. . . . . .  State    County Washington    City [[Strikethrough]] il  Street 10 & H [[/Strikethrough]] Cor 12th East & D North
When opened, . . . . . . .  The school was opened Oct 1st
Societies, &c., Patrons, . . . . . . Trustees of Cold Schools. 
Is the School sustained by freedmen? . . . Not to my knowledge
Is the School sustained in part by freedmen? . . Not to my knowledge
Have you received Government transportation during the month? . . . . . . .  I have not. 
Is the School-building owned by freedmen? . .  I do not think it is. 
Is the School-building supplied by Bureau? . .  [[Strikethrough]] I have never been informed [[/strikethrough]] It is
Whole number of teachers,. . . . . One.   White  None   Colored 1
Whole number of pupils enrolled at end of month, 37   Male  23  Female 14
Number of pupils enrolled last report, This is my first report, 
Number left School this month, . . . .Left school this month 5 
Number of new scholars this month, . . . 37
Average attendance, . . . . . . 30  Per cent 
Number of pupils paying tuition, . . . . None are paying for tuition
Number of white pupils, . . . . .   There are no white pupils. 
Number always present, . . . . .
Number always punctual, . . . . . 
Number over 16 years of age,. . . .   I have none attending school now over 16.
Number in alphabet,  . . . . . . There are now in about 16. 
Number who spell and read easy lessons, . . Number who can spell & read east lesson 8. 
Number of advanced readers, . . . . In 4th reader 3, 3rd  6. 2nd. 16. 
Number in geography, . . . . . . I exercise all the school. I have not formed a class yet
Number in arithmetic, . . . . . .  For Addition 11. Multiplication 2. 
Number in higher branches, . . . . .  None -
Number in writing, . . . . . . One account of the scholars buying their book. I can not form a class. yet.
Number in needlework, . . . . . . none. 
Number free before the war, . . . . . None of my scholars were free before the war
In what Sabbath School do you teach? . . .  At present I am not engaged in Sabbath school
Number of pupils in Sabbath School, . . .  

1. What is the grade of your School? [[strikethrough]] Intermediate [[/strikethrough]] Mixed 
2. Whole amount of tuition paid by freedmen during the month. $ 0 
3. Whole cost of transportation by the Bureau during the month. $ 0 
4. Expenses per month for the support of your School. $55.00 about
5. Remarks, 

(SIGNED) Grace Anna Dyson. Teacher.