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Items for Monthly Report of Industrial Schools.

1  Location   Freedman's Village
2  No. of hours taught, beginning at 8 o'clock A.M., closing at 2 P.M.
3  No. of Teachers  2  Salary Matron $75. Assistant $6. Paid by whom  Bureau
4  No. of Scholars enrolled  70  Men  1  Women  64  Children  5
5  Average attendance = 18.3
6  No. always present. =  15
7  No. always punctual
8  No. of new scholars =  20
9  No. of scholars who receive rations  =  70
10 No. of scholars to whom garments are given = 70
11 No. of scholars aided in any other way  0
12 Amount paid scholars for work.  0
13 No. who take work home  =  31
14 Branches taught in school.  =  Sewing
15 No. furnished with homes  0  North  0  South  0  Here  0
16 How much aid to the school from Bureau  =  All
17 How much aid from other sources  =  None
18 Amount of work done  =  778 garments made
19 Amount given away  =  0
20 Amount sold  =  0
21 No. of persons aided, not scholars.  =  0
22 Remarks.