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For the Month of November 1867.

☞ To contain one entire calendar month, and to be forwarded as soon as possible after the close of the month.
☞ A School under the distinct control of one Teacher, or a Teacher with one Assistant, is to be reported as one School.

(Answers placed here.)
[[2 column table]]
Name and location of your school? | Wayland Seminary Washington D.C.  
Of what grade? | High School & Theological Seminary 
When did present session commence? | September 11th When to close? May. 1868.    
Is your School supported by any Ed. Soc.? |---| What Society? [[?]] H. M. Society 
Is your School supported wholly or in part by a local Pub. School Board? | No. 
Is your school supported whole or in part by Freedmen? | No.
Have you had Bureau transportation? |Yes    
Who owns the school building? |[[?]] Mission Society
Is rent paid by Freedman's Bureau? |No How much? 
What number of Teachers and Assistants in your School? | 3  White    Colored
What number of pupils enrolled during the month? | 0        Male     Female
What number of pupils enrolled last report? | 23  
What number left School this month? |2 
What number of new scholars this month? | 0.
What is the average attendance? | 21.
What number of pupils pay tuition? | 0.
What Number of white pupils  |0.
What number always present? | 20. 
What number always punctual? | 18. 
What number over sixteen years of age? | 21. 
What number in Alphabet? | 0 
What number spell and read easy lessons? | 3.
What number of advanced readers? | 18. 
What number in Geography? | 18. 
What number in Arithmetic? | 21 
What number in higher branches? | 7. 
What number in writing? | 20. 
What number in needlework? | 0. 
What number free before the war? | 4. 
Have you a Sabbath School? | 1. 
What number of Teachers in Sabbath School? | 7 
What number of pupils in Sabbath School? |75.
Have you an Industrial School?  | No   State of kind work done? 
{insert within column 2} {Number enrolled last report, by adding new scholars and subtracting those left school, will equal the whole number enrolled.}
To the following questions give exact or approximate answers, prefixing to the letter the word "about." 

1. How may Day or Night Schools within your knowledge, not reported to the Bureau? 0
2. How many teachers (estimated) in such Schools? ___ White___ Colored
3. Give name and Post Office Address of the Teachers, 
4. How many Sabbath Schools within your knowledge, not reported to the Bureau? 0
5. How many Teachers(estimated) in Schools____ White ____ Colored, ____ 
6. Whole amount of tuition paid by colored pupils during the month? 0
7. Whole expenses for your School by Public School Board for the month? 0
8. Whole expenses for your School the Freedman Bureau for the month? 0
10. Remarks. Lessons & lectures in Theology & kindred topics are given to our school daily. All are very zealous for an education. 
* A pupil is not to be reported as enrolled until - after five days' attendance
(Signed) S.B. Gregory, Principal & Prof of Theology
Teacher of Freedmen's School at Washington D.C.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 16:06:45