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S.M.A. 1105, 1903.

United States Military Academy 
West Point, New York

September 19, 1903

My dear General Alger:-

I have your letter of the 16th and am very glad to learn that Mr. Freer has received a commission to memorialize Mr. Whistler at West Point. If the memorial is to be placed in the Chapel, a tablet will be the only suitable one. If, however, Mr. Freer and the others interested with him prefer a bust, I will be glad to place it in the Academy's new and handsome Library which in many respects is a far more suitable place in which to memorialize Mr. Whistler than the Chapel.

With kindest regards and wishes for you and the members of your family, I remain 

Very Sincerely yours,
R. A. Alger

Honorable R. A. Alger, 
U.S. Senator, 
Detroit, Michigan.

Transcription Notes:
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