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#33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan.
December 24th, 1909.

Miss Cornelia B. Sage,
Assistant Director,
Buffalo Fine Arts Academy,
Buffalo, N. Y.

My dear Miss Sage:-

Let me thank you for your letter of December 17th, in reference to the damage done to the frames of two pictures which I lent to your exhibition of last Spring, and which were afterwards shown, also,at St. Louis.

You are kind to ask for a bill covering the expenses for the repairs, but I assure you that there is none to be rendered. I find that my man, Stephen Warring, did practically all of the work of repairing and he does not wish to make any charges for his services.

It is a pleasure to know that the pictures loaned from my collection, added some interest to your very successful exhibition.

Believe me, with kind regards,

Very sincerely yours, 
Charles L. Freer

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