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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan.
January 13th, 1910

Dear Mr. Freer:-

I am enclosing herein mail matter received today, as follows:

No. 27. Letter postmarked Kingston, N. Y.
No. 28. Letter postmarked Minneapolis, Minn.
No. 29. Letter postmarked Williamstown, Mass.
No. 30. Letter postmarked Detroit,
No. 31. Letter postmarked Detroit,
No. 32. Letter postmarked Detroit,
No. 33. Card from Fredrick Keppel & Co.
No. 34. Card from Mr.T. Kite, Kyoto, Japan,
No. 35. Letter postmarked Grand Central Station, New York,
No. 36. Printed Matter from Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts,
No. 37. Notice from American Art Galleries,
No. 38. Card from Buffalo Fine Arts Academy,
No. 39. Letter postmarked Philadelphia.

Your note written from the Plaza, on the 11th, advising me of the issuance of check on the Guaranty Trust Company for $1,200.00, was received this morning, and I know the Thayer "Head" must be a fine acquisition.

Mr. DeMot is here today, having gone directly to the house. He did not arrive until the middle of the morning, and Stephen immediately took him in hand. He is to leave for Toronto this evening.

Professor Dennison sent word that he regretted [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] he could not be here this morning, but that he might come in this afternoon. However, it has been snowing all day which will probably delay trains and may prevent his coming. Stephen says Professor DeMot is a smart fellow and seems very interested.

Everything quite [[quiet]] here.

Very truly yours,
J.M. Kennedy

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-11 10:13:20