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III. Capt John Scott, 25th Ills. Vol. Infty having reported to these Headquarters for duty in pursuance to S.O. No 45. Headquarters Dept of Texas. dated Octr 4th 1865, is hereby assigned to duty as Assistant Superintendent of Refugees, Freedmen &c at Victoria. Texas. and will proceed without delay to Victoria and assume the duties required by law and the regulations of this Bureau as soon thereafter as possible.

By. Order of
Brig. Genl E.M. Gregory
Chauncey C. Morse
1st Lieut and A.A.A. Genl

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Galveston. Texas. Octr 11th 1865.

Special Orders.
No 3.

I. J.F. Brown. Esq. resident of Grimes County Texas. is hereby appointed Asst. Superintendent of Freedmen, Refugees &c. for Grimes. Co. Texas. and will be respected as such untill further Orders from these Hd. Qrs. He will immediately after his arrival at said County assume the duties required by law and the regulations of the Bureau in regard to Freedmen

By Com'd of
Brig. Genl E.M. Gregory
Chauncey C. Morse
1st Lieut and A.A.A. Genl


Hd Qrs. B.R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston Texas. Octr 14th 1865.

Special Orders.
No 4.

I. 2nd Lieut. O. [[Suronigley?]] 12th Ills. Cavalry. having reported to these Head Quarters for duty pursuant to S.O. No 45th Hd Qrs Dept. of Texas. dated October 4th 1865. is hereby assigned to duty as Asst. Supt of Refugees, Freedmen, &c with Headquarters at Austin. Texas. He will proceed to Austin without delay and assume the duties required by law and the regulations of this Bureau as soon thereafter as possible.

II. 2nd Lieut. B.J. Arnold. 12th Ills. Cavalry having reported to these Headquarters for duty pursuant to S.O. No 45 Hq Qrs Dept of Texas. dated Galveston Texas October 4th 1865, is hereby assigned to duty as Asst. Superintendent of Refugees, Freedmen &c. with Headquarters at Brenham. Texas. He will proceed to Brenham without Delay and assume the duties required by law and the Regulations of this Bureau as soon thereafter as possible.

By Order of
Brig. Genl E.M. Gregory.
Chauncey C. Morse
1st Lieut and A.A.A. Genl

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