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Bureau R.F and A.L,  
State of Texas
Galveston Feb'y 10th 1866, 

Special Orders. }
No 36. }

I. Capt. C. C. Morse, 34th Ills. Vol. Infty having reported to these Head Quarters in accordance with S.O. No 29. Head Quarters Dept of Texas. dated Galveston, Feby 6th 1866_ to date back to Decr 1st 1866, is hereby Assigned to duty as A.A.A. Genl Bureau R.F. &c. State of Texas to date back from Decr 1st 1865,
II  Surgeon S. J. W. Mintzer, U.S. Vols, having reported to these Headquarters in Obedience to S.O. No 33. War. Dept. Bureau R.F. and A.L, dated Washington D.C, July 24th 1865, is hereby Assigned to duty as Surgeon-in-Chief Bureau R.F &c. State of Texas. to date Sept 22nd 1865. 

By Com.d of
Brig. Genl E. M. Gregory 
Chauncey C. Morse
Capt and A.A.A. Genl

Bureau R.F. and A.L,.
State of Texas
Galveston February 11th 1866,

Special Orders. }
No 37. }

I  Capt. Bostwick, Asst. Sub. Comr will proceed to his Station (Columbus Texas) without delay

The Q.M. Dept. will please furnish the necessary transportation

By Com.d of
Brig. Genl E. M. Gregory 
Chauncey C. Morse
Capt and A.A.A. Genl


Head Quarters 
Bureau R.F. and A.L,
State of Texas
Galveston February 14th 1866, 

Special Orders }
No 38 }

I. Capt Samuel Q. Wright. A.Q.M and Disbursing Officer will procure transportation to Houston, Texas. By R.R, for the Asst Comr and one Staff Officer 

By Command of 
Brig. Lieut. Genl E. M. Gregory 
Chauncey C. Morse
Capt and A.A.A. Genl