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Bureau R.F. and A.L
State of Texas.
Galveston March 11th 1866.

Special Orders. }
No 50. }

I. Corporal Frank McKee will proceed without delay to Houston and Beaumont Texas on buisness for this Bureau, upon the completion of which he will return to these Head Quarters immediately,

The Quarter-Master's Dept. will please furnish the necessary transportation.

By Command of
Brig. Genl E. M. Gregory
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl

Bureau R.F. and A.L
State of Texas.
Galveston March 12th 1866.

Special Orders. }
No 51. }

I. Major L. S. Barnes. 9th U.S.C.T, having reported to these Head Quarters for duty in Obedience to S.O. No 44. Hd Qrs Dept. of Texas. dated Galveston, Texas February 24" 1866, is hereby Assigned as Sub. Asst. Comr B.R.F. and A.L. State of Texas. with Headquarters at Crockett. Houston Co. Texas. he will proceed to Crockett and at once enter upon the discharge of his duties as required by law and the regulations of this Bureau,

The Quarter Master's Dept. will please furnish the necessary transportation,

II. Capt Stanton Weaver,  Asst. Sub Comr is hereby ordered to transfer to Major L. S. Barnes, 9th U.S.C.T. all Books, Orders, Records or other property belonging to this Bureau he may have in his possession

By Command of 
Brig. Genl E. M. Gregory
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl

Head Quarters
Bureau R.F. and A.L
State of Texas,
Galveston March 15th 1866,

Special Orders. }
No 52, }

I. The Contract of Acting. Asst. Surgeon Henry W. Wadsworth. U.S.A. made by Surgeon Caleb A. Horner. U.S.V. Chief Medical Officer of this Bureau all Washington. D.C, having been this day Annulled at his own request by S. J. W. Mintzer. Surgeon U.S. Vols, and Chief. Surgeon of B.R.F. &c of the State, is hereby relieved from duty,

the Quarter Masters Department will please furnish transportation to place of Contracting,

By Command of
Brig. Genl E. M. Gregory
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl

Transcription Notes:
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