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Abandoned Lands, upon the completion of which he will report to these Headquarters.

VI. Mary M. Wilde, teacher of Freedman's School, will proceed to Houston, Texas, and enter upon her duties as teacher at that place.

VII. Brevet Colonel William H. Sinclair, Inspector, Bureau of Refugees, Freedman and Abandoned Lands, for the State of Texas, will proceed to the following named places, for the purpose of inspecting the condition of affairs pertaining to this Bureau, viz: Millican, Hempstead, Brenham, Navasota, Huntsville and Columbia. Upon the completion of which he will return to these Headquarters, making a written report of the result of such inspection.

By Command of:
Bv't. Maj. Gen'l. Charles Griffin, Ass't. Com'r.
(Sgd.) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lieut 26th U.S. Inf'y & A.A.A. Gen'l.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston Texas, Feb. 6, 1867.

Special Orders }
No. 14 }

I. Lieut Charles Garretson, 17th U.S. Inf. and Acting Assistant Quartermaster Bureau of Refugees, Freedman and Abandoned Lands, for State of Texas, will pay the board-bill of Mrs. Shaffer, a refugee and a widow of a deceased soldier, and her three children, out of the "Refugees' and Freedmen's Fund," it being impracticable to furnish them with subsistence in kind; he will also furnish them with transportation to New Orleans, La; with a view of their being sent to Brownsville Texas.

By Command of:
Bv't. Maj. Gen'l. Charles Griffin, Ass't. Com'r.
(Sgd.) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lieut 26th U.S. Inf'y & A.A.A. Gen'l.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston Texas, Feb. 7, 1867.

Special Orders
No 15.

I. Captain Isaac Johnson, 114th U.S.


Colored Troops, is hereby, in accordance with Par 3. Special Orders, No 24, current series, Headquarters, District of Texas, relieved from duty as Sub-Assistant Commissioner in this Bureau, and will report to these Headquarters for further orders.
He will turn over to Lieut E.H. Harris, Sub-Assist't Commissioner, at Columbus, Texas, all records and property pertaining to his office at La Grange Texas.

II. Captain Alex B. Coggeshall, 114th U.S. Colored Troops, is hereby, in accordance with Par 3, Special Orders No 24, current series, Headquarters, District of Texas, relieved from duty as Sub Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau, at Bastrop Texas, 
He will turn over all records and property pertaining to his Office to Captain Byron Porter, who will relieve him, after which he will report to these Headquarters for further orders.

III. Captain Byron Porter is hereby relieved as Sub-Assistant Commissioner of this Bureau at Austin, Texas, and is assigned to duty as Sub Assistant Commissioner at Bastrop, T's.
He will turn over all property and records pertaining to his office at Austin, Ts, to the Commanding Officer of that Post, after which he will proceed to his new station, and at once assume the duties of his office.

IV.  Captain M. E. Davis, is hereby relieved as Sub-Assistant Commissioner at Brenham, Texas, and is assigned to duty as Sub-Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau at Anderson Grimes County, Texas.
He will turn over all records and property pertaining to his office at Brenham, to the Commanding Officer of that Post; after which he will proceed to his new station, and at once assume the duties of his office.

V.  De Witt C. Brown, (late Col. U.S. Vols) is hereby relieved as Sub-Assistant Commissioner of this Bureau at Courtney Grimes Co, Texas, and assigned to the duties as Sub Assist't Commissioner at Palestine, Anderson Co, Texas.
He will turn over all records of his office at Courtney to Captain H. E. Davis, who will relieve him, after which he will proceed to his new station, and assume the duties of his office. 

VI. Lieutenant John H. Archer is hereby relieved as Sub Assistant Commissioner of this Bureau at Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas.
He will turn over the Records, &c pertaining to his office at Hempstead to the Commanding Officer of that Post, after which he will proceed to his new station, and at once assume the duties of his office.