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having returned from leave of absence, and resumed his duties as Sub Assistant Commissioner at Anderson, Grimes County, De Witt C. Brown (late Col. U.S. Vols.) is hereby relieved from duty at Navasota in that County, and will immediately proceed to Wharton, Wharton County and assume the duties of Sub Assistant Commissioner at that place, vice Capt. H. E. Davis, relieved from duty in this Bureau.

Officers relieved by this Paragraph, will transfer all records, property etc. to the officers relieving them.

V. D. T. Allen, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, for this State, will proceed to the following named points for the purpose of organizing Schools for Freedmen, and visitng and inspecting such Schools, as are already organized viz: Harrisburg, Richmond, Columbus, La Grange, Bastrop, Austin, San Antonio Seguin, Gonzales, Clinton, Victoria, Lavaca and Indianola, returning to these Headquarters, making a written request of such inspection. &c.

By Command of
Bv't. Maj. Gen'l. Griffin, Ass't. Com'r.
(Sgd.) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26th US. Inf; A,A,A. G'l.

Bureau R,F and A,L.
State of Texas.
Galveston, Texas, March 6, 1867

Special Orders }
No 30. }

I. In consequence of the repeated outages, murders &c., in Grayson County, and the seeming unwillingness or inability of the Civil Officers of that County, to give protection to citizens, the operation of General Orders No. 5, current series from These Headquarters is hereby suspended in Grayson County, and the Sub Assistant Commissioner of this Bureau in that County is hereby directed to arrest all persons, who have been or may hereafter be charged with the commission of crimes and offences against Citizens, Refugees or Freedmen, in cases where the civil authorities have failed, neglected or are unable to arrest and bring such parties to trial, and to detain them in confinement until such time as a proper Judicial Tribunal may be ready and willing to try them, or to take them in custody for trial.

He will request the Commanding Officer of the nearest Post to furnish the necessary force to carry out the above instructions in accordance with Par. 3., General Orders No 21. series of 1866. Headquarters Department of Texas.

A prompt and thorough enforcement of this Order is required.

(signed) Chas. Griffin,
Brevet Maj. Gen'l U.S.A
Ass't Commissioner.

(Sgd.) J. T. Kirkman.
1st Lieut 26th U.S. Inf.
A.A.A. G'l.

Bureau R.F and A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston, Texas, March 11, 1867.

Special Orders }
No 31. }

I. C. H. Harris, (late Lieutenant U.S.Vols) and Sub-Assistant Commissioner of this Bureau at Columbus, Texas, is hereby authorized to employ a clerk at a salary of $75 per month,to date from January 16th 1867, and to include the month of March 1867.

The required oath will be taken and forwarded to this office for file.

II. James P. Butler (late Lieutenant U.S. Vols) is hereby relieved from duty as Sub-Assistant Commissioner at Brownsville, Texas. He will transfer to the Commanding Officer of the Post of Brownsville all records - property &c., pertaining to this Bureau at that place, after which he will immediately report to these Headquarters.

By Command of
Bv't Maj. Gen'l Griffin, Ass't. C'r.
(Sgd.) J. T. Kirkman,
1st Lieut 26 U.S. Inf., A.A.A G'l.

Bureau R.F and AL.
State of Texas.
Galveston, Texas, March 13, 1867.

Special Orders }
No 32 }

I. Miss Sarah Skinner, Teacher of Freedmen’s School will proceed to San Antonio, Texas, and report to Mr W. Whiting, Teacher at that place, as his

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