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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas,
Galveston, Texas, April 18th 1867.

Special Orders }
No 46. }

I. Wm H. Hiestand, (late Capt U.S. Vols) Sub-Assistant Commissioner, at Hallettsville, Texas, will report at these headquarters for the purpose of settling his accounts with the Quartermaster's Department of this Bureau.

By Command of
Bv't Maj. Gen'l Griffin, Ass't. Com'r.
(Sgd.) J. T. Kirkman,
1st Lieut 26th U.S. Inf'y
A.A.A. G'l.

Bureau R.f. and A.L.
State of Texas,
Galveston, Texas, April 22d 1867.

Special Orders }
No 47. }

I. Wm H. Hiestand, (late Capt US. Vol) Sub-Assistant Commissioner, at Hallettsville, Texas, is hereby relieved, at his own request, from duty in this Bureau.

By Command of
Bv't Maj. Gen'l Griffin, Ass't. Com'r.
(Sgd.) J. T. Kirkman,
1st Lieut 26th U.S. Inf'y.
A.A.A. G'l.

Bureau R.f. and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston Ts, April 24, 1867.

Special Orders }
No 48. }

I. D. T. Allen, Esq., Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of Texas, will proceed to Millican Brenham and Liberty Texas, for the purpose of inspecting the Schools at those and intermediate points, upon the completion of which he will return to these Headquarters, reporting the result of such inspection.

The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation.

By Command of
Bv't Maj. Gen'l Griffin, Ass't. Com'r.
(Sgd.) J. T. Kirkman,
1st Lieut 26th Inf'y.
A.A.A. Gen'l.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas,
Galveston Texas, April 27th 1867.

Special Orders }
No 49. }

I. Mr Herbert H. Levanston, Teacher of Freedmen's School will proceed to Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas, and report to 1st Lieut J. R. Fitch, Sub-Assistant Commissioner at Indianola Texas, for duty as Teacher at Lavaca.

The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation.

By Command of 
Bv't Maj. Gen'l. Griffin, Ass't Com'r.
(Sgd.) J. T. Kirkman.
1st Lieut 26th U.S. Inf'y
A.A.A. Gen'l.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston, Texas April 30th 1867.

Special Orders }
No 50 }

I. The resignation of A. M. Sparry, Esq., Agent, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of Texas, is hereby accepted to take effect from this date.

By Command of 
Bv't Maj. Gen'l. Griffin, Ass't Com'r.
(Sgd.) J. T. Kirkman,
1st Lieut 26th U.S. Inf'y.

Transcription Notes:
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