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x  VI Simple good faith, for which we hope on all hands from those concerned in the passing away of Slavery, will especially relieve the Asst. Commissioner from us the discharge of their duties toward the Freedmen, as well as promote the general welfare. The Assistant Commissioner will every where Declare and Protect their freedom, as set forth in the Proclamation of the President, and the laws of Congress. 

In all places where there is an interruption of Civil law, or in which local courts by reason of Old Codes, in violation of the Freedom guaranteed by the Proclamation of the President and the laws of Congress disregard the Negros' right to justice before the law, in not allowing him to give testimony, the control of all subjects relating to refugees and freedmen being committed to this Bureau, the Asst. Comrs will adjudicate either themselves or through Officers of their appointment, all difficulties arising between Negroes themselves, or between Negroes and whites, or Indians, except those in Millitary Service, as far as recognizable by Millitary Authorities, and not taken cognizance of by the other tribunals, Civil or Military of the United States.

Signed O. O. Howard.
Major General and Comr
B.R.F. and A.L.

Approved July 2nd 1865,
Signed. Andrew Johnson.
President of the United States. 

x III. That Freedmen, everywhere, be enjoined to work, and in doing so, they will in all cases enter into free and voluntary contracts with employers of their own choice, and employers with them the contracts to be duly approved and registered in each Office, and not to be broken by either party except for sufficient cause.

In no case will freedmen be forced to contract with or work for obnoxious employers. 


And Officers carrying out this order, must in all cases, give the freedmen to understand that they are perfectfully free to contract to work where, and for whom they please, and at the sametime that a life of idleness will not be encouraged or allowed. 

x IV. It is rumoured in some parts of the states, the Freedmen are under the false impression, that the lands of their former owners are to be divided out amongst them on or about Christmas next. All Officers of this Bureau will at once disabuse the Freedmen's mind of this error. All good Citizens are called upon to circulate this order to contradict the error, that it may die with its parent. 

Every just encouragement will be rendered the Planter to assist him to adapt himself to the new conditions of labor. It is essential for his success to accord to the Negro all the rights of a freeman and to meet him in the true spirit of Justice and kindness, then, there will be no dificulty to control the labor. The day of the lash and corporeal punishment is past and must give way to law and moral power, man must learn to govern himself before he can expect to govern others, let every one practically realize that slavery is dead and past resurection and adverse to the spirit of the times, and the decrees of a free people, therefor let no man by deceived

Under act of Congress Approved March 3rd 1865, all orders, rules, Ordinances or laws, issued by any authority, whatsoever, which are in conflict with the rights and liberties of Freemen, are null and void and of no effect whatever: and any person or persons acting under any pretended authority, in violation of this Order, will be arrest and punished.

E M Gregory 
Asst Comr B.R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-17 16:42:22 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-17 17:44:47 Writer uses double vertical lines in making his Roman numerals. Be careful when transcribing. (Ex. VII (7), not V II II) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-17 18:23:57