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Bureau R.F. and A.L. 
State of Texas.
Galveston Decr 9th 1866.

No 3.
I. The undersigned, being desirous that the labor sistem of this state, so far as regards the Freedmen and their employers should be established on the basis of mutual interest, respectfully recommends that employers promptly settle with the Freedmen for the past year, before the first of January, and that contracts for the ensuing year be made at once, on fair and equitable terms. By so doing the Freedmen will have confidence in his employer and in the laws that him and them, equally. It is believed that humane treatment, fair and liberal compensation, together with the extension of educational facilities to the Freedmen, is the most direct way to develope and promote this Mutual interest. 

II. No Officer or Agent of this Bureau is allowed to make any charge for "Approving" Contracts. 

III. Agents before Approving Contracts will see the proper Revenue Stamps are affixed when it is possible to obtain them.

E M Gregory
Brig. Genl and Asst. Comr
Bureau R.F and A.L.
State of Texas.


Bureau R.F and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston Decr 27th 1866.

No 4

The following named Officers and Citizens in addition to those named in Circular, No 2. from these Headquarters are announced for Agents of this Bureau.

Capt Byron Porter. A.A.G. U.S. Vols.
Lieut George Gladwyn. 122nd U.S.C.T.
Capt J. B. Bostwick. 10th U.S.C.T. Sub Asst. Commissioner at Columbia. Brazoria. Co. Texas.
Lieut Eugene Smith. 10th U.S.C.T. Sub Asst. Commissioner at Indianola, Texas.
W. Longworth. (Chief Justice of Wilson County) Sub Asst. Comr
J. W. McConaughey. Esq. Sub Asst. Comr Wharton. Wharton Co.  Texas.

E M Gregory
Brig Genl and Asst Comr
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-17 18:22:32 corrected Roman numerals