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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas,
Galveston May 8th 1866.

No 11.
The following changes in the Bureau are announced for the information of all concerned,
George C. Abbott, Boatswain U.S.N. S.A. Comr at Hempstead Texas, Relieved March 5th 1866,
Lieut O.H. Swingley, 12th Ills. Cav., S.A. Comr at Austin Texas, Relieved March 10th 1866,
Capt. Stanton Weaver, 62nd U.S.C.T. S.A. Comr at Crockett, Houston Co., Relieved March 12, 1866,
A.A. Surgeon. Henry W. Wadsworth, U.S.A. Relieved March 15 1866,
Capt. John Scott, 25th Ills. Infty S.A. Comr at Victoria, Victoria Co. Relieved March 20 1866,
Capt Frank Holsinger, 19th U.S.C.T. S.A. Comr at Beaumont, Jefferson, Co Relieved April 16th 1866,
John F. Whiteside, Esq, Sub Asst Comr at Courtney, Grimes Co. Relieved April 18th 1866,
1st Lieut. Geo Van de Sande. 10th U.S.C.T. S.A. Comr at Columbus, Colorado County.  Relieved April 23rd 1866,
Capt. Chauncey C. Morse, 37th Ills. Infty and A.A.I. Genl Relieved April 23 1866,
1st Lieut. B. J. Arnold, 12th Ills. Cav. S.A. Comr at Brenham, Washington Co, April 30th 1866,
Chaplain G. W. Honey, 4th Wis. Cav. Asst. Supt of Schools, Relieved April 30th 1866,
Capt. J. B. Bostwick, 10th U.S.C.T. S.A. Comr at Columbia, Brazoria Co. Relieved April 30th 1866,
Maj. L.S. Barnes, 9th U.S.C.T. S.A. Comr at Crockett, Houston. Co. Assigned March 12th 1866,
Champ Carter Esq, S.A. Comr at Sterling, Robertson, Co. Assigned March 17th 1866,
Capt Edward Miller, 15th V.R.C. S.A. Comr at Victoria, Victoria Co. Assigned April 16th 1866,
1st Lieut. Chas. F. Hardenbrook 1st V.R.C. S.A. Comr Beaumont, Jefferson Co, Assigned April 16th 1866.



2nd Lieut. Abbert A. Metzner. 11th V.R.C. S.A.Comr at Clinton, De Witt, Co. Assigned April 16th 1866
1st Lieut. Isaac M. Beebe 23rd V.R.C., S.A.Comr at Marshall, Harrison, Co. Assigned Apl 17th 1866.
1st Chas F. Rand, Brvt Capt. 2nd Battn V.R.C, S.A.Comr at Matagorda, Matagorda, Co. Assigned April 17th 1866.
Capt Joseph Ferguson, 1st U.S.C.T. S.A.Comr at San Antonio. Assigned April 17th 1866.
Capt Nathan H. Randlett, 16th V.R.C. S.A.Comr at Navasota, Grimes Co. Assigned April 18th 1866.
2nd Lieut. J. Ernest Goodman, 2nd Battn V.R.C, S.A.Comr at Columbus, Colorado, Co. Assigned April 23rd 1866.
2nd Lieut J. Albert Saylor, 19th V.R.C. S.A.Comr at Hallettsville, Lavaca, Co. Assigned April 25th 1866.
Capt. S.A. Craig, 17th V.R.C. S.A.Comr at Brenham, Washington, Co. Assigned April 30th 1866.
1st Lieut James Hutchison, 1st V.R.C. S.A.Comr at Columbia, Brazoria, Co. Assigned April 30 1866.
EM Gregory
Brig. Genl and Asst. Comr
BRF and AL,
State of Texas.

Transcription Notes:
ddd Removed [[underline]]s, as per instructions