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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston, May 15th 1866

No 14.

It having come to the knowledge of the Asst. Commissioner that it has become quite prevalent throughout the state to entice laborers from one employer to another after a contract has been entered into in good faith between employers and Freedmen, and such a course being deemed not only dishonorable but a flagrant violation of the law of contracts, but also destructive to the energetic system of labor the bureau desires to establish, and detrimental to the agricultural interests of the State, it is, therefore, Ordered, That any employer, planter, or other person who shall tamper with or entice laborers to leave their employers with whom they have contracted in good faith, before the expiration of the time specified in the contract, by offering higher wages or other inducements, or by representing to the freedmen (as has frequently occured) that the contract under which they are bound, it having previously been approved by an Agent of this Bureau, is illegal and unjust. Shall be fined a sum not to exceed $500 nor less than $100, at the discretion of the Sub. Asst. Comr Such fine to be collected if necessary by a lien upon the crops or other property of said person that any Freedman who allows himself to be thus enticed away from any employer with whom he may have contracted for a specified time before the expiration of such time, shall be fined a sum not to exceed $20 nor less than $5, at the discretion of the Sub. Asst. Comr said fine to be collected if necessary by a lien upon the wages of the said Freedman, garnished in the hands of any fortune employer, or any freedman, who shall voluntarily leave his employer. With whom he shall have contracted for a specified time before the expiration of such time, unless for such a violation of the provisions of the contract or the part of the employer, as will annull said contract, shall also be fined by the

Sub. Asst. Comr in a sum not exceeding $50 to be collected as above specified. 

The Asst. Comr deems such a course not only simple justice to both parties, but he also considers it his duty to throw such moral influence about the Freedmen, in their transition state, as will induce them to maintain, inviolate, the provisions of so solemn a legal document as a written contract. If the employer, fills his portion of the contract, as to wages, rations, and treatment, the laborer must fulfill his portion as to time and labor. 

J.B. Kiddoo
Brvt Maj. Gen. and
Asst. Comr.

Headquarters B.R.F & A.L. St. o. T., Galveston Tx May 23d 1866.

Circular Letter: 
The following instructions will guide all officer of this Bureau in this State, in making accounts of money and property: - I. All communication relating to money an property, and all accounts having after called for will be forwarded to the Disbursing Officer of their Hd. Qrs. - II. Accounts current (Form N 10.) of all moneys on hand and received during the month, will be forwarded on the last day of each month. The source, from which the money comes, must be stated, whether from "fines", "rents of abandoned property" or from an officer. - III. Attention is called to Par III & IV of Cir No 17 War Dept BRF&AL, series of 1865 which provides, that all moneys collected by S.A.C's, shall be turned over to the Asst C'r or an officer chosen by him to receive the same and no moneys can be expended except it be drawn on estimates approved by the [[strikethrough]] A [[/strikethrough]] C'r BRF&AL, transmitted through the Hd. Qrs, which will be forwarded on the 25 day of each month for the succeeding month. IV. All accounts for money, must be made in triplicate. One account current will be forwarded to the 3d Auditor of the Treasury Wash. D.C., or to these Hd. Qrs, and one will be kept by the officer for his own benefit - each Acct. Current to be accompanied by necessary vouchers. V. No Person or Article will be hired hereafter, except by authority from the Hd. Qrs. "The Report of Persons and Articles Hired" (Form N2) will be forwarded on the 25th day of each month. Officers will retain copies of reports of form N2. - VI. No purchases will be made except by the authority from these Hd. Qrs. Accounts for purchases will be made on Form No.12., and 
similar accounts of the property will be made at the same time on Form N 25, as vouchers to the Property Return. - VII. All property for which S.A Com'rs may be responsible must be accounted for on Form Nos. [[strikethrough]] 24 [[/strikethrough]] 23 to 45 and 52 inclusive. The Property [[?]] will be made or triplicate, two copies to be sent [[strikethrough]] to be sent [[/strikethrough]] to these Hd. Qrs and one will be kept for his own security. All the Property Accounts will be made in duplicate. One set of Abstract and Vouchers to accompany the two copies of the Property Return, sent to these Headquarters,

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