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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas, 
Galveston. June 1st 1866.

No 15.

The following changes in this Bureau are announced for the information of all concerned:

1st Lieut Eugene Smith 10th U.S.C.T. Sub Asst Comr at Waco McClenan Co. relieved May 5th 1866.
2nd Lieut Levi Jones, 10th U.S.C.T. Sub Asst Comr at Hempstead Texas relieved May 5th 1866.
W.H. Farner Esq. Sub Asst. Comr at Millican, Brazos County relieved 10th 1866.
A.A. Surgeon J.E. Painter, U.S.A. relieved May 22nd 1866.
2nd Lieut. R McClermont, 4th U.S. Cav. Sub Asst Comr Millican Brazos Co. Assigned May 10th 1866.
Brvt Col J.B. Kinsman. A.A.D.C. A.A.I. Genl Assigned May 15th 1866
Capt H.W. Allen 36th U.S.C.T. Sub Asst Comr Hempstead Austin Co. Assigned May 19th 1866.
A.A. Surgeon Thomas G. Baird U.S.A. Assigned May 19th 1866.
Brvt Col. Wm H Sinclair A.A. Genl U.S. Vols Sub Asst Comr Galveston Galveston Co. Assigned May 31st 1866 to date from March 1st 1866.

J.B. Kiddoo
Brvt. Maj. Genl and Asst. Comr.

at the end of each month.  VIII. Blanks will be furnished, on application, for making out all necessary Reports and Accounts.  IX. At the end of each month, officers who have no accounts or reports to make, called for in this Circular, will report the same by letter; or if their business requires only part of them, they will designate those which are necessary, and state that their business has required no others for the month. All reports and accounts now outstanding will be made at once, and transmitted as directed above.

By order of Bv't Maj. Gen'l J.B. Kiddoo, Asst. Com'r
sgd. W.H. Sinclair
A.A. G'l.


1st Lieut 20 US Inf & A.A.A. G'l.


Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston. June 18th 1866.

No 16.

I. The following extract from Circular Order, dated War Dept. Bu. R.F. and A.L. Washington D.C. Octr 4th 1865, and letter received from his Excellency Provt Govr A.J. Hamilton, are published for the future guidance of Sub. Asst. Comrs

"The principle to be adhered to with regard to paupers is that each county, parish, township or City shall care for and provide for its own poor"

Galveston, Texas,
June 4th 1866.

The letter of C.S. Roberts, Chief Justice of Harris County, with your endorsement thereon, upon the subject of the Counties taking care of the paupers within their respective limits, and which you say was forwarded to me before I left Austin. I avail myself of this opportunity to state briefly my views upon the subject of enquiry. The question, I suppose, relates only to indigent freedmen, women and children. By the actions of the late convention of this State, they are vested with all civil and personal rights. And by the laws of the United States they are Citizens. The Convention also taxed them, as all other citizens. That they are as fully entitled as others to the benefits of the law of the State for the relief of the poor and suffering is too clear to require argument.

The proposition that a black man is to be taxed to create a county fund for the relief of unfortunate whites, and which he is not to share when under similar misfortune is as false in law as it is reprehensible in morals.

The fact that a county has failed to levy a sufficient tax to meet the emergency is no reason for refusing to discharge the duty imposed by law. The county can levy the maximum allowed by law and if this should not be sufficient the fault will not rest with them.

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