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2d Lieut. J.K. Horton, V.R.C., Sub Ass't Com'r. Sterling, Robertson County, assigned September 19, 1866.

Capt S.A. Craig, V.R.C. Sub Ass't Com'r, Seguin, Guadalupe County, assigned September (S) 19, 1866.

2d Lieut H.H. Edlesson, V.R.C. Sub Ass't Com'r, Houston, Harris County, assigned September 19, 1866.

Byron Porter, late Capt. U.S. Vols., Sub Ass't Com', Austin, Travis County, assigned September 28, 1866.

J.C. DeGress, late Bv't Lieut. Col. U.S. Vols., Sub Ass't Com'r, Houston, Harris County, assigned September 28, 1866.

J.D.W. Whitall, late Lieut U.S. Vols, Traveling Agent, assigned October 3, 1866.

Wm. H. Sinclair, late Bv't Col. (Major) and A.A. Gen'l Vols. on Special Duty, at these Headquarters, assigned October 3, 1866 to date September 1, 1866.

1" Lieut S.C. Plummer, 17th U.S. Infty, A.A.Q.M., at these Headquarters, assigned October 9. 1866.

III. Reports of Abandoned Lands and Reports of Rations issued in accordance with Circulars No 10, Series 1865, and No. 10, C.S., War Department, Bureau of R.F. and A.L., and all communications , &c., requiring action at these  Headquarters, will, until further news, be addressed to Bv't Lieut Col. Henry A Ellis, Act'g Ass't Adj't Gen'l. Officers having no Lands or Rations to report, will, instead of forwarding Blank Reports, as heretofore, simply report the fact by letter.

Reports and Returns of Money and Property, in compliance with Circular Letter, from these Headquarters, dated May 23, 1866, and subsequent instructions from the Office of A.Q.M. and D.O., will be addressed to the Ass't Quartermaster and Disbursing Officer, at these Headquarters.

Reports, &c., upon matters pertaining to Schools will be addressed to E.M. Wheelock, Superintendent of Schools, at these Headquarters.

A strict compliance with this paragraph will be required of all Officers and Agents of this Bureau.

(signed) J.B. Kiddoo
Bvt. Maj. Gen'l.
Assistant Commissioner.


1 Lieut 26th U.S. Inf., A.A.A. Gen'l.


Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston, November 1st, 1866.

No 23.

Contracts between Planters, or other employers, and Freedmen, in this State, will not be regarded as finally settled and cancelled  until they have been arbitrated by, and an equitable fulfillment certified to, by an Officer or Agent of this Bureau. Cotton or other products of the labor of Freedmen, will, if necessary be attached and held on plantations, at Depots, and in ports of shipment, until a just division is made of the same, and the Freedman's portion duly set apart to them. In cases where the cotton, or other products of the labor of Freedmen, is taken from the jurisdiction of one Sub Ass't Com'r to another for shipment or sale, before such division is made, immediate notification will be given of the fact to the Sub Ass't Com'r, into whose district it has been taken, as well as to these Headquarters, who will exercise the powers conferred in this Circular.

Par. 1, Circular N. 19., August 20, 1866, will give Sub Ass't Com'r increases of monthly wages left unpaid at the expiration of the contract, and will be vigorously enforced.

Freedmen must be allowed to put their own cotton into market, if they desire so to do. It is the portion of the crop in kind, and not its equivalent in money, that they are entitled to, and no restrictions will be allowed on the part of their employers, nor monied equivalent taken, unless they sell their portion in good faith to their employers, and get for it the highest market price.

(signed) J.B. Kiddoo
Bv't Maj. Gen'l. Vols.
Ass't. Com'r.


1" Lieut 26th U.S. Infantry.
Act'g Ass't Adj't Gen'l.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston, Dec. 20, 1866.

No 24

The following regulations have been adopted by the

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