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have been inflicted upon the freedpeople, still they must be made to understand that it is absolutely necessary for them to labor; It is only through the avenue of industry that happiness and success in this life can be attained. Idleness and vagrancy lead to crime, and all efforts of the Bureau and charitable associations will be useless unless the freedman, by industry and frugality, ressolve to help themselves.  They should be cautioned to deport themselves with courtesy and kindness towards their employers, and always to take an interest in their work. Advise them to conform fully and with cheerfulness to the contract into which they have voluntarily entered. Use your best endeavors to promote the cause of education among them. Show to them, that it is not only their right, but their solemn duty to acquire knowledge, and endeavor to secure the co-operation of the whole people (white and Black) in promoting the cause of education. The prejudice against the education of the colored people is fast disappearing, and every effort in your power will be made to establish Schools. Every assistance that can, will be given by this Bureau. Give the subject of marriage especial attention. Bear in mind and impress upon the freed people that the relation of man and wife is an institution ordained and sanctified by the Almighty, and use your best endeavors to gather them into households and induce them to observe the sanctity of the marital relation.

Sub-Assistant Commissioners will immediately, upon receipt of this Circular, make a tour through the section of country, properly coming within their jurisdiction, visiting the freed people therein, and endeavoring to impress upon them the necessity of their acting in accordance with the foregoing principles, and show to them the happy results that will surely follow if they are adopted.

By Command of Bv't Maj. Gen'l Chas. Griffin, Ass't Com.
(Sgd.) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lieut 26th U.S. Inf'ty, A.A.A. Gen'l

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Galveston, Texas, Feb. 7. 1867.

N 2.

On and after the 1st day of March, 1867, the following schedule of fees for tuition will be adopted in the Schools for Freedmen throughout the State of Texas.

When but one pupil from a family attends school, fifty (50) cents per month shall be the charge for tuition.


When two attend from the same household, seventy-five (75) cents shall be the charge for Both.

When the number exceeds two, one (1) dollar shall be the charge for all.

Orphans and the Children of Widows shall be admitted to school privileges Without Charge.

In addition to the income thus derived from tuition, these teachers now employed by the Bureau, and not receiving aid from any Benevolent Society, will be paid the monthly sum of forty (40) dollars.

(signed) Charles Griffin,
Bv't Maj. Gen'l U.S.A.
Assistant Commissioner.


1st Lieut. 26th U.S. Inf'try
Act'g Ass't Adj't Gen'l.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston, Texas Feb. 12, 1867.

N 3.

Sub-Assistant Commissioners, making repairs upon school buildings under the authority conferred by G.O. No 6, Headquarters, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of Texas, dated February 12, 1867, will comply with the following directions:

An agreement will be entered into with some contractor for the erection or the repair of such building. To this agreement (which will be made in quadruplicate) will be annexed a specification of the work to be done.

All the copies of this agreement will be signed and forwarded to these Headquarters for the approval of the Assistant Commissioner and will be disposed of as follows:

The duplicate (when approved) will be forwarded to the Commissioner at Washington, D.C.

The triplicate will be retained at these Headquarters.

The original and quadruplicate will be returned to the Sub-Assistant Commissioner, who will retain the quadruplicate, and deliver the original to the contractor, who, when the work has been finished to the satisfaction of the Sub-Assistant Com'r, will receive from the latter a certified account (

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