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(on Form N 11. Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.) for the amount due to him, which account (in triplicate) together with the Original agreement, he will forward to the Disbursing Officer at these Headquarters for payment.

Form No. 11.

For services rendered in [[blank]] a building at [[blank]] Texas (to be used as a Freedmen's School House) as per agreement with [[blank]] Sub-Assistant Commissioner, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands, at [[blank]]] Texas, hereunto annexed.

(signed)  Charles Griffin
Bv't Maj. Gen'l. U.S.A.
Assistant Commissioner


1st Lieut 26th U.S. Inf'try
Act'g. Ass't. Adjut. Gen'l.

[[left margin]] NB. Cir Lett March 8/67
see Page 346. [[/left margin]]

Bureau R.F. & A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston, Texas,  March 29th 67.

No 4

1. Each Sub-Assistant Commissioner is ex-officio, the Superintendent of Freedmen's Schools for his District and will visit each School within the same at least once every month.

2. He will urge upon the Freedmen the necessity of obtaining titles to small lots of land for school purposes and the erection thereon of some kind of school building however rude; and will see that such property is deeded to colored trustees for the purpose intended; and should the number of Freedmen in the town or neighborhood be sufficient to justify the expenditure, the Sub-Assistant Commissioner will (after the Freedmen have gone as far towards finishing the building as their means will admit) contract for its completion ("Repair" in the manner indicated by Circular No. 3., current series, from these Headquarters.

3. In places where there are large numbers of colored children, and their parents have not the means or disposition to commence the erection of a School-house, or, while completing buildings, already commenced, as per preceeding Paragraph, the Sub-Assistant Commissioner, will rent a school room in accordance


accordance with Paragraph 3, of the Circular Letter, dated at these Headquarters, March 8th 1867., and if possible, induce the Freedmen to place desks and seats there in for the use of the pupils - should they not do so, however, he will make contracts for the school-furniture in the manner prescribed by Circular No. 3, current series, from these Headquarters.  In contracts for repairs, the renting of school-buildings, etc., every regard will be paid to economy.

4. The Sub-Assistant Commissioner will procure permanent boarding places for teachers, and where all is arranged preparatory to commencing the School, he will make application to the Superintendent of Schools for a teacher, stating particularly, whether a male or female teacher is required, giving reasons why, a teacher of the sex, he may apply for, is necessary.

5. On plantations or in places where there is a small number of Freedmen, or where schools in the pay of the Bureau cannot be established, the Sub-Assistant Commissioner will exert his influence to have schools started and taught by competent local teachers. The Sub-Assistant Commissioner will, in the monthly report, called for by Circular Letter of December 31st, 1866, give the name and Post Office address of the teachers (not in the employ of the Bureau) of such small local schools, with a rough estimate of the average daily attendance.

II. One copy of the Monthly Report of Teachers in the employ, or teaching under the auspices of the Bureau will be sent by the teacher to the Sub-Assistant Commissioner, in whose District the school may be located, and one copy sent direct to the Superintendent of Schools for the State, at these Headquarters.

2. The copy sent to the Sub-Assistant Commissioner will be forwarded by him to the Superintendent of Schools for the State, through the office of the Acting Assistant Adjutant General, with remarks as to the condition of the schools, the School-buildings, and the method of instruction, &c. &c

We will also see that the teacher has complied fully with the regulations upon the printed form of School-Report, especially Sections 9 and 10 of the same.

3. Great care and attention will be given to the matter of Schools, and every effort will be made to establish them, and to protect them, after they are established.

III. Sub-Assistant Commissioner, will in every case, where buildings [[strikethrough]] (so hired) [[/strikethrough]] of any description are hired for School purposes, report the same in the usual manner, 

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