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on their Report of Persons and Artickles &c.

2. Where Teachers receive a salary from the Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, they will be reported on the Report of  Persons, &c., of the Sub Assistant-Commissioner, under whose jurisdiction they may be. The date of their assignment to duty, will be strictly reported. In the column of Remarks, will be stated, whether the Teacher has been commissioned by a Benevolent Society, or hired by the Bureau in this State. They will be required to produce their Commissions to the Sub-Assistant Commissioners, and the date of such Commission will be entered in the column of remarks. The date of their assignment to duty will be reported in the column, headed "Date of Contract, Agreement, &c."

3. When the number of Teachers under the jurisdiction of a Sub-Assistant Commissioner is not sufficiently large, to necessitate the use of a Receipt Roll, a certified account, Form No 11., will be given by the Sub-Assistant Commissioner at the end of the month, to each Teacher, for his or her services during the month. These accounts will be forwarded for payment to the Disbursing Officer at these Headquarters. In these cases the words "Certificate given" will be written in red ink, on the Report of Persons, &c., over the "time due" and the amount will not be carried out as unpaid - but merely the time for which the Certified Account has been given.

4. When a Certified Account is not given, the Time and Amount will both be carried out. When a Teacher has signed and is paid on a Receipt Roll, the time only, and not the amount, will be carried out in the Report of Persons &c.

5. Sub-Assistant Commissioners will take particular care, to see that the signature to the Receipt of a certified account, corresponds precisely with the name at the head of the account, and with that on their Reports of Persons &c., and Artikles. If the name reported be John Smith, and the receipt to his certified account is signed J. Smith, the account will not be paid.

(signed) Charles Griffin.
Bvt. Maj. Gen'l. U.S.A.
Assistant Commissioner.


1st Lieut 26th U.S. Inf.
A.A.A. G'l.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston, Texas, March 30th 67.

No 5

The following Extracts from Circulars, General Orders, and Circular Letters &c., relating to schools, are published for the information of Sub-Assistant Commissioners Agents &c., viz:

Bureau R.F. & A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston, Texas, Dec. 31st 1866.

(Circular Letter.)

Immediately on the receipt of this, and hereafter at the end of each month, you will forward a report to these Headquarters, upon the following points: viz:

Report, also, as to the disposition and feeling of the white people in your section towards the freedpeople as expressed by words, and more especially as expressed by their action towards, and treatment of them, - the feeling upon the subject of education, and what steps have been taken, if any, to promote the same; also what efforts the freedpeople themselves are making in that direction, and in what manner they may be best assisted.

Bureau R.F. & A.L. State of Texas.
Galveston Texas, Feb. 7. 1867.

No 2.   

In addition to the income thus derived from tuition, those teachers now employed by the Bureau, and not receiving aid from any Benevolent Society, will be paid the monthly sum of forty (40) dollars

Bureau R.F. & A.L. State of Texas.
Galveston Texas, Feb'y 12th, 1867.

No 3   

An agreement will be entered into with some contractor for the erection or repair of such building. To this agreement (which

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