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Bureau R. F. & A. L.
State of Texas
Galveston, Texas, March 8th 1867.

Circular Letter.

I Instead of the latter clause of Gen'l Orders N 2, current series, from these Headquarters, the following directions, will govern the transmission of correspondence with these Headquarters, viz:   

1. Reports of Abandoned Lands, and Reports of Rations issued accordance with Circulars N 10, series of 1865, and N 10, series of 1866, War Department, Bureau R.F. & A.L., and all communications &c., requiring action at these Headquarters, will until further orders, be addressed to the A.A.A. G'l., at Galveston Tx. Officers having no Lands or Rations to report, will, instead of forwarding blank reports, as heretofore, simply report the fact by letter.

2. Statements of moneys relating to the " Refugee and Freedman's Fund" and to the "School-Fund", as well as all money accounts, will be transmitted to the office of the Disbursing Officer, at these Headquarters.

3. Reports of Persons and Articles, and all communications relating to the Quartermaster's Department will be transmitted to the office of the A.A.Q.M., at these Headquarters.

4. Reports, &c, upon matters pertaining to Schools, will be addressed to the Superintendent of Schools, at these Headquarters.

A strict compliance with the above directions will be required of all Officers, and Agents of this Bureau.

II. Hereafter, Sub-Assistant Commissioners requiring stationery, in excess of the allowance prescribed by Bureau Officers' Manual, 1866, will make a requisition for the same in duplicate, on Form 30., Bu. R F. & A.L. (Form 38. O.H.D) and will add to the certificate, after the word "specified," the words: "except the allowance provided for by the Bureau Officers' Manual, which was insufficient for the public service; the articles specified above being necessary for the discharge of my official duties."

III. Leases of building for school-purposes will be made in quadruplicate, one copy will be retained by the Lessor, one copy by the Sub-Assistant Commissioner, one copy will be forwarded to the A.A.Q.M. at Galveston, Texas, and one copy to the Superintendent of Schools, through the office of A.A.A. G'l., at these Headquarters.

(sgd) Chas. Griffin
Bv't Maj. Gen'l U.S.A. Ass't Com'r Tx.


1' Lt. 26th U.S. Inf. A.A.A.G.


Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston, Tx, April 2d 1867.

Circular Letter.

The following Contract from General Orders No. 21, series of 1866, Headquarters Department of Texas, is hereby republished for the information of officers and agents of  this Bureau.

Headquarters Department of Texas,
Galveston, Texas, June 23d, 1866.

General Orders
No. 21.

III. All proper military aid will be promptly afforded to the civil authorities and to the agent of the Freedmen's Bureau, in the discharge of their respective duties; and generally, Commanding Officer will see that good order and quiet are maintained within the Circuits of their Command. As a general rule, in order to avoid unnecessary delays, the civil authorities and the agents of the Freedman's Bureau should make application for assistance directly to the nearest Commanding Officer, and not to these Headquarters.

By Command of Maj. Gen'l. Wright.
(sgd) C.H. Whittelsey.
Bv't. Col. and Ass't Adj't Gen'l.
By Command of Bv't Maj. Gen'l Griffin, Ass't C'r.
(sgd) J.T. Kirkman.
1st Lieut. 26th U.S. Inf'y.
A.A.A. G'l.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas,
Galveston, Texas, August 22d 1866.

(Circular Letter.)

Reports of Lands, and Reports of Rations issued to Freedmen and to Refugees, are required to be made in duplicate, one copy of each to be forwarded to these Headquarters, and one copy to be retained by the officer making the Report.

! See Notes at the bottom of Blank Reports.

(sgd) W.H. Sinclair.
Ass't. Adj't. Gen'l.


S.A. C'r.

Transcription Notes:
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