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two days before, stateing that he was mistaken, that it was not "Kay" who assaulted him & shot him. 
There has been two cases of white men thrashing Freedmen brought before me in the one case I inflicted a fine of $25- & in the other $5. A great many cases of threats have been brought to my notice I have invariably summoned the parties before me, given them a good talking to, & tell them that a repetition of the offence would be punished by fine or otherwise. In the matter of educating the Freedpeople, the opinion of the whites are undoubtedly undergoing a change, the better informed & more liberal minded are beginning to see that education will prove a vast benefit, and so far as words are an encouragement, many are lending their aid; only however in words, as no step (so far as I know) has been taken to render any Material Aid, either publicly or privately, several planters have however applied to me for Teachers to go upon their Plantations, & I hope abt the first of Februay to be able to establish several schools in this County, it cannot however be done before Februay, as the Freedpeople will not have become established & settled for the year before that date. I am directed to give a report

Transcription Notes:
Use "&" sign instead of "+" per instructions Good description of the changing attitudes of society.