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a man getting such wages cannot afford to send 5 or 6 children to school & pay 1-50 per month for each. I think therefore the Teachers should be paid by the Bureau & that the schools should be either free or the tuition fee be reduced to a small sum, say twenty five cents per month. 

The following is a list of Names of which men who have committed offences against Freedpeople (as far as I know) in my  district since 24th Oct 1866

"Kay", {Shot Freedman Freedman afterwards stated that it was not "Kay" who shot him, no steps therefore taken in the matter

McCally {Shot Freedman, escaped from the State. The freedman has recovered

H. Harvey {Shot Freedman, arrested by Civil Authorities bound over in $3000 to next term Dist Court

W. Oney {Shot Freedman, from the testimony of both white & Black witnesses, it seems to have been done in self defence - bound over by Civil Authorities in $200 to appear at next term Dist Court

James Hitchenson, Thrashed freedman, Fined $25

John - (a Dutch man) beat freedwoman Fined $5
I have the honor to be 
Very Respectfully
your Obdt Servt
J. H. Archer
Sub Asst Comr

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