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Marlin January 6th 1867

Bvt. Maj J B Kiddoo

General your Circular of the 31st Inst was received at this office on the 5th Inst. I had my annual report about made out, but it did not entirely meet the requirements in your Circular

I now report there has been but of six violations of the Criminal Law by white men against the Freedmen that have come to my knowledge. The first was in March last by a man by the name of Hardwick shooting and killing Freedman Moses  Hardwick immediately fled & has not been heard of since. The Civil authority acted promptly & the Grand Jury found a true bill for Murder

The 2nd Case was John Smith shooting at & wounding Freedman  Smith fled & the freedman went to Louisiana

The 3rd Case in Nov George Loyd charged with whipping Freedman Jack  I had Loyd arrested by the Civil Authority & Jack dreampt & did not appear as a witness abandoning the Matter of his own accord contrary to my order

4 J C Denton charged with Robbing & Shooting Freedman Moses Gibbens with intent to kill in Dec.  J C Denton was examined & bound over to answer to the District Court - & has since fled

5th. C. L, Denton a brother of the above arrested & Charged with drawing a Six shooter on a white lady & Shooting it in her room & threatning her life also for knocking down & beating a Freedwoman nearly to death  C L Denton was taken to Lime Stone Co where the assaults were committed & delivered to the Deputy Sheriff who turned him loose for a mule & a Six Shooter all of which can be proven 

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