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6th Freedman Raphel. Secretly killed by some unknown person I at once ordered some troops from Waco to assist our Sherriff & I made a diligent search but to this time have got no trace of the murderers he was killed on the 26th Dece

There has been no civil actions as yet between the whites and the Freedmen as a general thing the white employers are disposed to do ample justice to the Freedman. Some I considered was taking advantage by paying or trying to pay in horses guns pistols & furnishing them with whiskey at Exorbitant prices & in one case I found 2 Freedmen on one plantation one chd. worth $48,00 in whiskey & the other $96 dollars this I object to & insist on their wages or their portion of the crops.

Many of the planters on the Brazos River are all refugees and some with limited means who do not furnish the Freedmen none to well Still they insist on full Labour hence arises the complaints & murmuring with the freedmen & with such I have a [[?greatcal]] of trouble in settlements it confines me to my office from morning until night from which I never have been absent. I would now call your attention to the importance of allowing me a clerk for 2 months in setting up last years [[/business]] and commencing the present year also the receipts of my having 5 or 6 good soldiers to aid me in securing the wages and crops belonging to Freedmen as without them I cannot give them justice