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I am now proud to say I have the acknowledgement of the Freedmen as their true friend and advisor. Although many of them in the fore part of the year thought me rather hard when I required them to work and carry out their contracts but as they now see and enjoy the fruits of their Labours have become fully satisfied that my intentions were good and ment them no harm and I now have very little difficulty with my [[?sable lists]] Except Occationally the splitting of blankets between man and wife it is almost impossible to keep them together as they have been accustomed thru life to a change of pastures it is now pretty hard to confine an old Buck to his pen and more particular when the young fawns are of different stripes.
as our crops are not yet gathered I shall not at this time be able to make a full report at best a few settlements have been and contracts canseled [[?sp]] as most of the Freedmen are working for a share of the crops and the cotton not all picked [[?acct]] yet.
Freedman Moses was murdered on the 15th of last April in this county [[? meas]] Martin by some unknown person supposed to be a band of Robbers as AP Delano was on that knight robbed of about $4000 dollars
Very Respectfully
AP Delano
Sub Asst Commd
R F and A L

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-16 15:05:43