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L.B. 24.

Office Sub Asst. Commr,
B.R.F. & A.L,
Huntsville Jany 12th 1867

Wm. H. Sinclair
Sub Asst. Commr.


In compliance with Circular Letter dated Hd. Qrs, Bureau R.F. & A.L, State of Texas, Galveston December 31st 1866, I have the honor to submit herewith my report of operations for the year ending December 31st 1866.

[[left margin]] Date of entering upon duty [[/left margin]]

Entered upon duty as Sub. Asst. Commr, Bureau R.F. & A.L, at this point on Sept. 26th 1866.  I experienced some difficulty in obtaining a room for Office, and the necessary furniture, etc, was finally successful and on the 1st day of October I opened my Office; was at once beseiged by numerous applicants for pay for services rendered from Freedom until Christmas 1865, and inquiry proved that (2/3) two-thirds of the employers throughout this section of country, failed to remunerate employees for services rendered during that time.  Many cases were adjudicated, but owing to the close approach of Christmas and the terminus of the year, I was compelled to abandon claims for 1865, and devote my entire attention to settlements for 1866.  The crop

[[left margin]] Failure of Planters to pay Employees for 1865 [[/left margin]]

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-15 11:05:01