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in Trinity Co, on or about January 1866, hunted down and hung Freedman Jeff -- [[underlined]] accused [[/underlined]] of committing a rape upon a white woman, no trail before the civil courts, and no action taken after the hanging.

 5th Mr. Nilson, a Baptist preacher who endeavored to open a school for Freedchildren last July in Huntsville was taken from his bed at night by a band of desperadoes and by way of amusement for them hung several times until unconscious; was escorted across the county line by an armed detatchment and ordered never again to step foot in the county under penalty of death. This outrage occurred while I was in Huntsville as Collector of U. S. Direct Fort, the particulars are related by a Union lady temporarily residing here, who states that her affidavit will only be given, with names, when I have a force to protect her; the Civil Authorities never took any cognizance of the outrage, one or two of its functionaries being engaged. It is, I would here state characteristic of these people. If a man kills another, he has nine chances out of ten that he will be cleared, particularly if the deceased be a "yankee." But let a man steal a horse and he is hung. Let a Freedman purloin an article ever so small in value, he is [[sent?]] to the Penitentiary for a term not less than two and frequently as many as ten years.

6th. Mr. Abe Smith a resident of Trinity, Co,