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statement should be taken, and exhibited to the court a copy of the Bill.  The freedmans testmony was then taken, and was as plain and positive as was that of the witness Oberling. After the trial, the jury brought in a verdict of guilty, and imposed a fine of one cent and costs, which Milburn paid and went his way. - The trial was conducted according to law but ended in a farce so far as related to the freedman.  Both of the above named parties reside here in town. 

A few other offenses of less importance than those above mentioned, have been committed, but were disposed of by the justice of the peace during my temporary absence from town and, -  I found upon investigation, - with justice to the freedman.

During the October term of the District Court held at Brazonia, county seat of Brazonia Co; Ninteen [[nineteen]] cases were tride [[tried]] wherein freedmen were interested.

The indictments were mainly for theft; three or four for assault & battery and other freedmen and two for killing of stock. Nine were convicted and sentenced to serve out the term perscribed by law, in the penitentiary, three cleared, some discharged for want of evidence, and others held by bail to answer at the next term of the District Court.  There are two