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purpose of establishing schools for same,
but would suggest the propriety of
postponing this action until the season
advances, as it might possibly distract
the minds away from their legitimate
channel of duty. The country is very
much unsettled, new parties attempting
to plant, besides a large immigration
of freedmen from the upper counties,
after the Contracts have all been made,
and the Plantations repaired and being
worked, then would in my opinion be
the proper time to advance an Educational

During the last month my time
was occupied as follows, most of the
day as well as night I have been
examining accounts presented by the
Employers against the laborers, making
proper divisions of the Crops made
by both parties, examining Contracts
on file in my office, giving instructions
and answering questions, my office
hours are from early breakfast until
dark, seldom going to dinner, and
frequently my office crowded 'till
late at night.