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the contracts. In cases, that white employers had accounts against the freedmen, which the latter did not acknowledge, I have refused to settle up, until the former had sworn to the corrections of their accounts. Whenever they refused to do so, I have decided in favor of the freedpeople.

The freedmen had, in many instances, made no written agreements between themselves. In such cases I have settled according to my best judgment.

I keep my office open from 8. to 12. a. m. and from 2 to 5 p.m.

I have not been absent from my post, during the last month, as I could not do so with safety.

There are no troops at this post, but they are needed, without delay, to protect and assist me in fullfilling my duties, and to protect the freedpeople.

The civil authorities have, in the most cases proven, that they are disposed to do their duty; but cannot do it without the assistance of troops.

No man, neither white nor black, (: if not a highway man himself:) can travel with safety, since the troops have left.  There are gangs of robbers and murderers in every direction, I could name more than 20 outlaws, who have made this County their headquarters, and there passes almost no day, without some blody fight or robbery