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On my arival, at Austin, I found Capt. Porter absent at at Galveston. Opend His office and entered upon the duties of Sub Comr settling accounts and, approving contracts it was dificul, to please all parties in the settlements. One Dr Moore writes me that Capt Porter Has opend, up His accounts again and Proposes to Refer the matter to you, But I Have no doubt Capt Porter, Had Good Reason, to call for His accounts as He is more familiar with Dr. Ms affairs than I can Be. There was may aplications, from Both Freedmen & Planters to Go onto the Plantations and, make these divisions and setlements; only one of which, I could attend to during my short stay. The Freedmen came from the plantation of Mr. Washington and told me that He Refused to make any division or setlement unless the agent of the Bu; at Austin came & made it; many of the Hands Having entrd in to contracts, with other parties and Removed from the Plantation, as it was not Right that those Remaining should Give a third of there Labour to those that Had Left. I decided, that those Remaining, should Go into the Field and pick cotton, for wages By the Hundred and Be Paid, in cash By Mr Washington They Had one Hundred and five Bags Gind, and Baled, in Good order and about Forty Bags in the Gin House

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-19 16:30:43