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50 per cent greater than white persons guilty of similar offences.

I have had no opportunity of judging of the workings of the new state laws reletive to freedmen no cases having come under my notice. My oppion [[opinion]] would be that they are calculated to injure the freedmen.

As a clas the freedmen are working for monthly wages. The principal difficulty under which I have been labored is for the want of a proper place for my school. My present accommodations are a jacal with ground floor - badly lighted and in wet weather entirely unfit for the purpose.

Neither have the colored people any place for worship, as they are practically excluded from white churches and entirely from white schools.

I am sir very respectfully
your obedient servt 
James P Butler 
Sub. Asst Commissioner
Bu RF & A.L.

Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau of R.F.&A.L., State of Texas,
....., 186 

Transcription Notes:
jacal = (in Mexico and the southwestern US) a thatched wattle-and-daub hut.