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whiped with a cowhide and otherwise brutally beaten untill she was insensible her recovery is doubtful. Brown fearful of being arrested has left the county.
West Parker (freedman) was a short time since driven from his home and family after being knocked down and brutally beaten for no offense whatever (except he was washing) and making some money by one Sim Dickson an effort was made for Dickson's arrest but failed to make the arrest, so it is constantly the case. somehow the Officers are very unfortunate in apprehending a certain class of offenders.
There are many other cases of less magnitude in different portion of the country but would be too tedious to mention the particulars and such cases too that are actionable but the Justice of the peace refuse to take any action upon the complaint of freedman. even with [[strikethrough freedman [[/strikethrough]] Troops there. I am satisfied the blacks would not get Justice at the hands of the present civil Authorities.
The freedmen mostly are working or have been working for an interest in the crops but I am satisfied it is much

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-18 11:48:29