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in regard to labor contracts many of them thinking it a license to make and execute such contracts as they deem proper. I have and shall do everything in my power to promulgate Gen'l Order  No 4 Current Series.  None of the other laws refered to are in operation in this county.  I have returned to their parents live freed children boy and girl who were detained by some white citizens.  Five cases (civil) were turned over by me to the Civil authorities nor get acted on as the parties were not prepared for trial.  This county is quiet more than it has been for a long time as every body is at home this being a very busy month among farmers.  A Copl and five privates of the 35th U.S.I. are on duty at this post without them the freed people would not be secure in their rights granted by the "Civil Rights Bill" numerous threats having been made in regard to punishing and driving them from the country when the troops and Bureau Agt are removed.  Such would in doubt be the case as the great majority of persons living in their section of State are a wild loud and wandering set having no respect for man or God and bitterly opposed to the United States Government.  My office hours are from