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the Mayor of Harrisburg who ought not to be permitted to adjudicate cases in which freedpeople are interested. I have had occasion to find fault with their decisions in several instances, and I do not believe that the Negro can get justice in their courts. They are either very much prejudiced against the race, or are easily influenced by interested white men; one of them is I think incompetent on account of his intemperate habits. 

The Mayor of Harrisburg makes it a practice to fine Negroes to the extent of the law, for discharging firearms in the City limits (a mere village with indefinite bounds) an offence for which White men are never arrested.

Of the other Courts in my district I know nothing personally. Especially of those in Montgomery County, as I have not as yet had an opportunity of inspecting their records, though from what I can hear very little justice of any kind is dispensed to white or black in the latter County

Feeling and action of White People toward Freedmen 

I cannot report any improvement in the tone of feeling exhibited toward the freed people by the Whites. - I judge only by their actions towards them, as I do not think that words