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Many contracts have been approved, the freed people in most cases not being satisfied that the contract is right until it has the endorsement of the Bureau Agent.
One class of complaints has increased very much since last reports, viz, Matrimonial difficulties; the freed people do not as yet comprehend the solemnity and binding force of the marriage ceremony, or understand the duties they owe to each other in the marital relation; the former slave custom of promiscuous intercourse prevails to a great extent amongst them, and numerous complaints of infidelity are made to me.  Many apply to me for divorce, believing that the Bureau has power to dissolve the matrimonial bonds.
I always endeavor to compromise these difficulties, and lecture the parties on the them of their duties and relations to each other; but in many instances my words and advice fail of the proper effect, more especially in those cases where the parties have been "put together" as they express it in "Slave times.
The crime on incontinence is extremely prevalent among freedwomen - the natural results of their former condition of Slavery - and is a fruitful source of trouble.  I can do little towards eradicating this "Social Evil" but am