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The freedmen in my district are as a general thing working for a part of the crop, and are by report doing exceeding well.  There is a great complaint from the Planters that they can not be induced to work on Saturday afternoons: This has always been a holliday to them and it will be a long time before they can be convinced that is is to their own interest to labor during that time.
I have not been able as yet to comply with the last par. of circular No.1 Hd Qrs. B.R. F & AL State of Texas, current series for the reasons that the interests of the Service absolutely demand the presence of a duly authorized officer almost constantly to attend to the office business at this Post.  I applied to have Capt. S H Warren assigned to duty as assistant to me in order to enable me to make the required tour of the district, but immediately after such assignment was made he was sent away on Special duty and so remained about absent until the end of the month

Claims Against Planters
Many claims for wages for labor performed last year by freed people are still unpaid, and it will be impossible to settle these accounts with Justice to the Negro except by the aid of the Strong arm of the "Freedmans Bureau Law,"  The Civil