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settlements on each Saturday. The course of my ordering them in on Saturdays, is principally, to have the Freedmen from being docketed with one days lost time which would undoubtedly [[strikethrough]] been [[strikethrough]] be done should they come on any other day.

I have been absent from my Office eight days in obedience to Cir order no (1) one Feby 2/57 I have read explained and encouraged them under Said Circular, as to their marital rights it is one of the most important part of my instructions to them, yet, there are continually cases being reported to this office of the husband beating his wife of which, one was tried to the civil authorities and the husband fined ten dollars & costs. Also, of men leaving their wives & living with other women, I have in fact now a case in which the husband of a freedwoman left her & obtained a license under a false name & married another woman.