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in the same place, I have ordered the husband to return to his first wife, shewing & explaining to him the enormity of the crime he was committing and the severity with which the laws punished the same should he be brought before the Courts. The husband has returned to his first wife but how long he will remain I know not - there are hundreds I may say of similar cases.

5th There are no troops at this Post and it is my opinion that the Civil Authorities will protect them (the F.M.) in their Civil Rights for I can call upon the Sheriff or City Marshall at any time to make an arrest and it will be at once executed also any attachment or order attaching that I may [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] issue the Sheriff will always serve it. For I have tried both - As to the courts the case of freedman Pete which I reported to you, and, whose trial comes off on the 18th of this month will be a test as to whether they will render Justice or not?