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6th The only state Law which is in operation in this Co is the Labor Law, no action has been taken in regard to the Apprenticeship nor vagrant acts. The planters do not like the working of the Labor law they have and do now feel the efficacy of the Bureau and admit now that the Bureau is a good institution and that they cannot get along without it, they say "What use is it for me to go at Law to force the freedman to comply with his contract should he violate it? it will be several months before I could obtain redress & in the meantime I suffer from the loss of labor" - In obedience to order no 5. I have explained to the freedmen that "Contracts shall be ratified before a Justice of the Peace etc", but, the planters cannot get them to go before a Justice of the Peace etc, and they will not sign contracts except in this office - 
The act in regard to working