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Unsettled 23rd Lucy Jackson fw worked for RH Payne from the 12th of Feb 1866 until Christmas at $6- pr. month - he refuses to pay her wages.

Unsettled 25th Moses Hall (F.M.) worked for J.O Chamberlin last year who owes him forty five dollars. I sent him a message to pay the account his reply was "that I could kiss his Ass" 

Unsettled 25th John Russell (F.M.) worked for Irving Anderson last year, made 21 bales of Cotton and received one horse at $25- $23- in Store goods - he refuses to pay the balance

To be Settled on the 2nd of March 26th Washington Folk - [[?]] to Owen Franks for Balance on last years work $44.50/100 [[?]] to Ned Franks and wife on same account $63.25

[[strikethrough]] 26 Lucy [[/strikethrough]]

Unsettled 26. W. Reece (FM) In Nov. last purchased of Edward Mathias- 40 arcres of cotton standing in the field for $140- after the cotton was picked Gined & Baled said Mathias took the cotton away from him and addition to this has prosecuted him in the courts of Milam County at Cameron for the $140- he is ordered to appear on the 1st Monday in April for trial