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[[3 columned table]]
| Date | Names of Parties and Complaint | Action Taken. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Mar. 8 | Gabriel Jones (f.m.) states Mr. Levy has a chair of his worth $15 which was left with him by his wife Eliza who is now at Gonzales. | Both parties appeared and Eliza having left the chair on Mr. Levi's hands with positive orders not to deliver it to Gabriel it was decided that he still hold it subject to her orders. |

| 11 | Charlotte Malone (f.w.) states Mr. Smith owes her $3 for washing and will not pay her. | Mr. Smith was ordered to pay her and complied. |

| 12 | Mrs. W.M. Robinson (white) presents a written contract in which Lucy Ann (freed girl) binds herself to work for her until Oct. 1, 1867. Lucy Ann has left. | By consent of both parties the contract was annulled. |

| 12 | Ben Reed (f.m.) claims Mr. Sheldon owes him $12 for one wk's. work and has neglected to pay him for a long time. | Mr. Sheldon was ordered to pay the amount which order was complied with. |