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[[3 columned table]]
| Date | Names of Parties and Complaint | Action Taken. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Mar. 25 | Eliza Gilmer (f.w) complains that Mr. Fitz Jerrold owes her $7 for washing and neglects to pay her. | Ordered him to pay the amount and he complied. |

| 28 | Clabourne Tucker (f.m.) states he bought a horse of Mr. Benj. Morgan and that he assured him the horse was kind to work and sound. He has proved to be baulky and unmanageable. | Ordered Mr. Morgan to take back the horse and refund the money. He complied with the order. |

| 28 | Cecil Williams (fm) presents a bill against Geo. Gifford for board, washing &c. | The case was compromised. |

| Mr. 1 | J.L. Briggs & others, trustees of the African M.E. Church, vs. Samuel Osborne (f.m.) This was an action of "Forcible Entry & Detainer" and brought before J.H. Smoot, J. Peace. Judgement was rendered against Osborne and a writ of possession was issued by the Justice. The writ was suspended by order of Gen. Griffin. | J.L. Briggs & others have deeded the church property to a board of colored trustees of the African M.E. Church and Gen. Griffin approved the deed. |