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This the opinion of the Sub Asst Comms that the general feeling is not friendly towards the freedmen, not so expressed by words but in their actions.
No interest is taken here by the people generally upon the subject of the education of the freedpeople, and they The freedpeople evince but little energy in promoting the cause of learning amongst themselves.
The business transacted at this office during the past month has been nothing but the usual routine of business pertaining to the bureau except that Dr. Jamison of Navasota being order to report at this office in compliance with orders from H'dq'rs Bureau RF&AL State of Texas and fined twenty five (25) dollars for refusing to send Freedman Lewis to Galveston as ordered. 
2nd, upon complaint of freedman Jared Grove was ordered to appear at this office to settle with them for labor, neglecting to appear as directed I sent a guard to arrest him. He acknowledged that he owed the freedmen in labor and settled with them in my presence. I fined him fifteen dollars for not obeying my order to appear. 
The office hours are from 9.30 a.m to 12 m. and from 2 to 5 p.m.