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the number of troops of this Post is two Companies averaging about 40 members each for duty, and in my opinion their presence is absolutely necessary and I believe that if the troops were removed that the freedmen would not be protected in their sights, and I believe that the Civil Authorities are two much overawed to properly perform those duties and without the soldiers are here I do not believe that they (the Civil Authorities) can or will do justice to Freedpeople or to whites.
The freedpeople are as a General thing working for a portion of the crop.
The Bureau as represented here labors under the difficulty (which is equivalent to stoppage of all business outside of the Office) of their being no horses at this Post, as it is necessary almost every day to send into the Country 10, 20 or 30 miles and in consequence it is impossible properly to affect to the business of the Bureau.
It is however proper to state that there are a few horses as this Post but they are, as far as any practical duty is concerned utterly worthless and all not available except one or two
Very Respectfully,
Your obedient Servant
Geo Lancaster
Capt 17th Infantry
Sub Asst Comr