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Office of Sub Asst Comr. R.F & Aban Lands
Fort Inge Texas.
March 31 1867.

1st. Lieut Joel T. Kirkman U.S.A.
A.A.A. General, &c.


I have the honor to submit the following report, agreeable to instructions contained in Circular Letter, dated Hd. Quarters, Bureau R.F. & Aban. Lands State of Texas, December 31 1866.

1st.  There has occurred no case of a Criminal character in this district against the freedpeople, neither has any civil suit been instituted in which they were a party, and so far as I am able to Judge, I believe they would be properly dealt with by those presiding over the Civil Courts here.

2nd.  The white people in this neighborhood seem kindly disposed towards the few freedpeople that are in their midst, both in expressions & actions, and no one thig has occurred to which I could take exception.  On the subject of education there has been no expression whatever, for the reason that there is not sufficient freedchildren, or others, to form a School.  Seven or eight freedpeople is the entire number, in a circuit of 300 miles, and no steps have been taken to educate these, their time is wholly employed in their labours, and I am not aware that they (the freedpeople) are taking any measures in that direction.

3rd.  I have transacted no Official business relating to this office since my assumption of the position of Sub: Asst. Commr.  I am however